Dear Professors and Colleagues,
Occasionally for every 2 years, we gather around in a 3-day HSDi congress at the end of the year. This year congress will take place on 6th – 8th December at Adora Conventional Center, a new astonishing conventional center at Ho Chi Minh City.
The theme of this year congress is “Inter-specialized approach in Implant treatment”. Apart from the Implant seminar conference room, this year congress also introduces Smart Dentistry conference room, a conference room especially for dental technicians, and a particular conference room for career seminar, conducted by Ho Chi Minh City Society of Dental Implantology (HSDi) in cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City Odonto-Stomalotogy Association (HOSA). At this conference room, “Young Potential Presenter” contest will take place.
In this year congress, there are many international and national prestigious, experienced speakers, with more than 40 practical subjects in dental practice. Along with 4 scientific presentation conference rooms, there are 16 hands-on courses which are extremely applicable for everyday dental practice.
To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of HSDI and 25-year time since Implantology first came to Vietnam, this year congress organize some special programs:
- “Dental Funny Stories and Comics” contest, with the hope to bring laugh and joy into our society;
- “HIDS’ GOT TALENT” contest, a playground for dental practitioners to show their musical talents in order to bring a cheerful atmosphere to our congress;
- “Young Potential Presenter” contest, giving young doctors an opportunity to show their capabilities, thereby, preparing the next vigorous generation for our society;
- “Gathering and Celebrating our Professors” program, in order to connect generations of dentists and to show our respect and thankfulness to our professors;
- “Gala Dinner” program: This year Gala Dinner will be different from previous years’ hoping to make a magnificent and unforgettable memory for every participants!
This year dental exhibition is called HIDS (Ho Chi Minh City International Dental Show) with 142 kiosks on a 3.000m2 surface area. HIDS is established with the desire to satisfy demand and long-time craving of dental practitioners and companies from Southern Vietnam.
Another innovation in this year congress is that beside official participants (who paid congress fee), we also accept free participants. With just a few simple clicks on the online registration, you can take part in this year congress without any charge, with some limited interests.
For that reason, this year congress is not only for dental implant practitioner but also open for everyone in the dental field. From dental students to technicians, from general to specialized dentists, we hope that you can all find interesting and useful things from this year congress.
Therefore, I would like to kindly invite all colleagues, dental technicians and students to spend some time with us in this year HSDI Congress.
Thank you very much!
Dr. Vo Van Tu Hien
Congress Organization Board
President of Organization Board
Dr. Vo Van Tu Hien, DDS
Vice President of Organization Board
Dr. Huynh Dai Hai, DDS, 2nd Degree Specialist
Dr. Nguyen Duc Minh, DDS, MSc, 2nd Degree Specialist
Dr. Tran Ngoc Quang Phi, DDS, PhD
Scientific Board
Dr. Tran Hung Lam, DDS, PhD (Head of Board)
Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Ly, DDS, PhD (Vice Head of Board)
Secretary and Exhibition Board
Dr. Vu Khac Doan, DDS (Head of Board)
Dr. Than Trong Nguyen, DDS, MSc (Vice Head of Board)
Foreign Relation Board
Dr. Hoang Trong Hung, DDS, PhD (Head of Board)
Financial Board
Dr. Ha Thi Bao Dan, DDS, MSc (Head of Board)
Congress Diagram